Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Generation IPhone

Click here to see the new apple iphone.
Someone went to a bar, got drunk and left it there! I would hate to be him. His name is Gray Powell and he was an apple software engineer who was testing the phone. He was in California celebrating his 27th birthday at a club, then when he was going home, he left it on a bar stool.
This the first time ever that apple has had a leak!!
I wonder if this is just a set up to got more publisity.
Here are the changes that they improved...
  • There are two cameras, one on the front for video chatting,
  • the lens is bigger
  • the back is flat
  • it has a camera flash
  • it has two speakers. on the top and bottom

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Did you know that more than 100 million people use twitter... and there are about 50 million posts a day? How on earth are you suppose to find the post that you need... that is going to be the most useful to you? Everything is going to be in chronological order... thats hopeless, how are they supposed to arrange all of those posts. They now say that they aren't just going to post other peoples post, there going to tell you news.
Personally i don't use twitter.

Friday, December 18, 2009


At the end of the day starts the beginning of Winter Break 2009!!! I can't wait!!! I'm leaving this cold city and going to warm Aruba!
The warm Caribbean water, the soft beach, the sun beating down on my face!! I can't wait!!! I leave tomorrow morning!!!!
Can't Wait!!
Oh my god you have to check out this website. You can download RealBasic!! You can make anything with this application! I even made a internet browser!! It is so cool!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Yesterdy was volleyball practice!! I love volleyball practice, its my favorite sport!!!I can't wait until our first tournement

Monday, December 14, 2009

hi i'm awesome